The everTeam

Rebecca Fox Starr, CEO, is an expert in the field of maternal mental health and a survivor of severe postpartum depression. She has written four books on the topic and has advocated for awareness across the country. Ever and Ever After Technologies allow Becca to turn her passion and dedication into detection and treatment. Becca has two children. 

Dr. Jessica Rutstein Lazarus, CCO, is a leading neuropsychologist with expertise in applied principles of assessment and intervention based upon scientific study of human behavior as it relates to the functioning of the central nervous system. Jess has two children. 

Chris Dixon, CTO, is a seasoned technical executive, developer, and entrepreneur with experience delivering cross-platform solutions to millions of customers across the media, mobile, and financial industries. Chris has a background in leveraging cloud technologies and Machine Learning platforms to drive customer value at scale. Chris has two children. 

We are a team that is uniquely qualified and strategically positioned to affect change in an innovative, integrative, impactful way. A passionate author/influencer, an expert data neuroscientist, and an accomplished technical architect; three friends who care deeply; three parents.